Nurturing Blooms

A weekly class for baby and their primary care giver

As your baby begins to move more, so too does our class become more chaotic, wild and baby led with fun movement songs and rhymes.

Suitable for babies from around 10 months to around 18 months.

This class is blooming madness! With some babies now crawling, bum shuffling or walking the class structure is a bit more fluid. Our baby yoga is adapted more to learning the skills of crawling and walking and we do lots and lots of bouncing: a baby favourite!

The older babies also get more props to engage with in the class, with a variety of toys being laid out from the get go to encourage them to come together and play. This means that sometimes babies are not near their adult when we sing songs, and our focus shifts from moving their bodies to interact with the songs, to the adults doing the gestures and encouraging babies to copy and follow.

As baby grows, more developmental leaps occur and these still require support, information and a safe space to vent. Again, some time is spent in class to talk to one and other, to support one and other and to continue to nurture our new parenting relationships, building and securing your tribe. The class is about the same size as Nurturing Blossoms and the WhatsApp chat is still created for the class.